Delegate pattern

Janvi Arora
4 min readMar 1, 2023


The delegate pattern is a design pattern used in Swift (and other programming languages) to allow objects to communicate and collaborate with each other in a flexible, decoupled way. In this pattern, an object (the “delegating” object) delegates some of its responsibilities to another object (the “delegate” object) and sends it messages when specific events or actions occur.

Here are some key points to know about the delegate pattern in Swift:

  1. Definition: A delegate is an object that acts on behalf of or in coordination with another object. The delegating object, typically a view or a controller, keeps a reference to the delegate object and sends it messages to notify it of specific events or actions.
  2. Protocol: In Swift, the delegate pattern is often implemented using a protocol that defines a set of methods or properties that the delegate object should implement. The delegating object conforms to the protocol and calls the methods or accesses the properties on the delegate object when appropriate.
  3. Benefits: The delegate pattern allows objects to communicate and collaborate with each other in a decoupled way, which can make the code more modular, maintainable, and extensible. It also allows for flexible, customizable behaviour, as different delegate objects can be assigned to the same delegating object.
  4. Example: A common example of the delegate pattern in Swift is the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols used in iOS development. A table view delegate object is assigned to a table view, and the table view calls methods on the delegate object to get data, configure cells, handle selections, and more.
  5. Implementation: To implement the delegate pattern in Swift, you typically define a protocol with the required methods or properties, and then declare a delegate property on the delegating object that conforms to the protocol. You can then assign an instance of a delegate object to the delegate property, and call the appropriate methods or access the appropriate properties as needed.
  6. Caveats: The delegate pattern can add some complexity to your code, especially if you have many objects that need to communicate with each other. It’s important to design your delegate protocol and methods carefully, to avoid creating circular dependencies or unnecessary coupling between objects. It’s also significant to handle cases where the delegate object may be nil or not respond to the expected methods or properties.


protocol PrintStringDelegate {
func didPrintString(stringToBePrinted: String)

class ClassA {
var delegate: PrintStringDelegate?

func printString() {
let someValue = "Hello, World!"
delegate?.didPrintString(stringToBePrinted: someValue)

class ClassB: SomeDelegate {
let obj = ClassA()

init() {
obj.delegate = self

func didDoSomething(someValue: String) {
print("String obtained: \(obj)")

In this example, we have a protocol called PrintStringDelegate with one method called didPrintString. We then have a class called ClassA which has a delegate property of type PrintStringDelegate. When the printString method is called on an instance of ClassA, it will call the didPrintString method on its delegate (if it is set).

Finally, we have another class called ClassB which conforms to the SomeDelegate protocol. In its initializer, it sets itself as the delegate of an instance of ClassA, and then calls the printString method on that instance. When printString is called, the didPrintString method on ClassB is called with the string "Hello, World!".

Key points about delegates:

  1. Delegates are a way to allow one object to communicate with another object without having to know the exact class of the other object.
  2. The delegate protocol defines a set of methods that the delegate object must implement. These methods are used to notify the delegate of certain events or to ask the delegate for information.
  3. The delegate object is typically set as a weak reference to avoid strong reference cycles.
  4. Delegation is often used in UIKit and other Apple frameworks, such as UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource in UITableView.
  5. The delegation pattern can be used to implement a wide range of features, such as callbacks, data source, event handling, etc.
  6. Delegation can be used to implement a pluggable architecture, where the delegate object can be replaced with a different object to change the behaviour of the application.
  7. Delegation is a way to implement the single responsibility principle, where each object has a specific responsibility and delegates tasks to other objects that are responsible for that specific task.
  8. Delegation can be used to implement the observer pattern, where an object can notify multiple delegate objects about an event or a change in state.
  9. In Swift, delegation can be implemented using protocols and extensions, making it easy to add delegate functionality to any class or struct.

Overall, the delegate pattern is a powerful and flexible way to enable communication and collaboration between objects in Swift and is commonly used in iOS and macOS development to implement user interfaces, network communication, and other features.



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